Tuesday 30 September 2014



Hey buddies.. Yes... yes I know I have said that I DON'T WRITE ROMANCE, I WRITE PASSION, but I have written romantic shots before as well, so 'someone' challenged me for writing a romantic shot... So here I am... Believe me this is not that bad


She found him standing leaning on the door of his class, she was going towards the water cooler to fill up her bottle and like always found him standing there with a smug look on his face. They both were in class 12th but in different sections. She again glanced at him and got his sexy smirk, her eyes widened and she tore her gaze off him

"Oh my god Khushi he is looking at you again" her best friend Lavanya gushed

"Lavanya he has two eyes you know, he can look at anyone, so what if he is looking at us" Khushi tried to reason

"Not us, just you, gosh Khushi you are so lucky" Lavanya literally jumped

"La please behave" Khushi scolded La making her pout


The next day she again went to fill up her bottle and again she found him there, standing leaning on the wall, while his friend hooted looking at her and she vaguely heard some of them saying

"Aa gyi teri wali, mar de propose, warna ushke bacho ka mama banker reh jayega"
{Here she comes, go and propose her or you will be called as MAMA of her children}

As Khushi neared him, his smile grew into grin

"Why do you always look at me" she asked directly and she was awarded by his scowl but that was soon replaced by his smile

"Hi, I am Arnav Singh Raizada and nice to meet you too" he said sarcastically

"I know you but that is not the answer of my question" she scowled

"Well for your question I will reply directly, that I like you" he said boldly and his friend screwed away from the scene saying "Aaj toh pitta ye"

Getting such a bold answer from him Khushi stumbled back and tried to run but his hand around her wrist stopped her

"I am not a bad guy as you think Khushi, I really like you" he said expecting her to say something

But without turning back she replied "I am still very young and not at all interested in all this" she turned "I am sorry" looking at his hand "Please let me go"

The innocent way she requested him to let her go made him pull himself back; he watched her running towards her class without turning back


School inspection was a very hectic schedule for every children of school, teachers became more demanding, the sweet principle suddenly turns Hitler, all prefects and wise captains were always on their toes running here and there, and so was our head girl Khushi and head boy Arnav

After their 'please let me go' incident Arnav hadn't approached her again, well that was a relief but somewhere she was disappointed too, now they both were standing together listening tentatively to their principle, they nodded in unison and dismissed themselves from there.

She was nervous and he could feel that, well he had always love this innocence of her, he knew that she would soon stumble, and as predicted she did and he was there to catch her

"Caught you" he said huskily as he watched her heaving closing her eyes "Open your eyes Khushi" she did what he said, she looked innocently at his beautiful handsome face

"Don't ask me to let you go... because I can't" he whispered as he brought her face close to him holding her nape intending to kiss her

"Then don't" she said innocently and that made him step back, she was way too innocent but that doesn't mean he would let go off this chance, he bent down a little and smacked his lips on her cheek and soundly pecked her

The smacking sound of kiss effectively broke her day dreaming session and brought her back to earth, covering her mouth with palm she looked at his smiling face and mischievous eyes with flabbergasted expression on her face

"You kissed me" she stammered

"You liked it? Should I do it again" he stepped forward and within the count of ten Khushi Kumari Gupta was nowhere to be seen, he laughed as he watched her running like she was being chased by dogs


Khushi was sitting in the park watching children playing, with a small smile on her face, she looked at Lavanya who was long gone to buy ice creams for them, and now when Khushi looked at her she was scowling at the Ice cream seller, probably fighting or bargaining with him, she sighed, Lavanya would not be back anytime soon, so she decided to go to the garden and enjoy the serenity

She inspected each flower and leaves closely, she loved gardening, it was her passion, and she had heard that Arnav also loved gardening, she blushed thinking about him when her middle finger got prickle by the thorn of rose, she hissed pulling her hands back

She was about to cover her slashed finger with her handkerchief when someone grabbed her hand and pulled her, she looked up to found a tense looking Arnav "Thik ho tum" he asked and before she could have answered he took her middle finger inside her mouth and sucked it hard.

Her breath hitched and when Arnav looked up at her expression, his eyes turned dark, he sucked harder and saw her intake large gulps of air, his tongue made circles around her finger; he slipped her finger in and out of his mouth and saw her widening her eyes before she pushed him and pulled back her hand

"Ye kya kar rahe hai aap" she asked nervously

Ignoring her question he answered "You taste good"  Khushi gasped and ran from there as fast as she could but this time a smile was playing on her lips, she stopped and turned back to look at him, he winked at her and she chuckled, she stuck her tongue out and ran out of there


Today was Khushi performing and she was hell nervous, her parents couldn't come as they were busy and her best friend Lavanya would be behind the stage, and she needed someone in front of her while performing, she was biting her nails praying to her Devi maiya to rescue her, and DM did rescue her

A large hand came around her waist as her back hit a soft wall; she soon realized the touch and blushed failing tomatoes

"Nervous?" he asked and she nodded, not trying to wriggle out of his embrace

"I will be there in front row, look at me the whole time you perform" he said and she looked at him through mirror with surprise, question about how he knew showed in her eyes and he replied smiling

"Told you... I will never let you go"


School ended and Khushi's friend decided to have some fun before starting a new college life, hence they were standing in front of the famous 'HAUNTED HOUSE' in one of the Rajori malls, they took tickets and went inside, Lavanya pulled a reluctant and in verge of tears Khushi inside, Khushi's teeth chattered as she went inside, the darkness and those terrifying weird sounds made her dizzy, soon she was alone as she realized she was left behind as she was too slow, she tried to call Lavanya but couldn't utter a word, terror gripped her and only one name echoed in her mind


And as some miracle, a hand came around her waist pulling her back, as she closed her eyes in relief instantly recognizing the touch; she turned and threw her arms around his neck

"Take me from here, please Arnav" she didn't need to ask about how he got here or how he knew she was here, all that mattered was her Arnav came to save her

"I am here Khushi" he kept assuring her as he made his way towards the exit, Khushi was clinging to him, hiding her face in the crook of his neck, as they got out Arnav threw an angry glance at Lavanya who was looking down guiltily

Arnav carried her out of the mall and settled her inside his car, once settled on the back seat of his car he hugged her tightly

"You came" she sobbed

"I will always be there" he said

"Promise" she asked looking up

"Always" he kissed her nose


Few Years later

Khushi watched her husband to get ready for office with a smile on her face, he was a handsome man and she was his owner, she thought proudly, she started biting her lips as a sudden desire to have him engulfed her, as reading her thoughts he looked up at her and smirked

"Having dirty thoughts Mrs. Raizada" he asked knowing full well about his wife's desires

"Arnav you better stop teasing, or I will hold up sex for 1 week" she threatened

"Oh I am afraid that you will not be able to handle a single day without me in or on you" he laughed

"Yuck I hate you dirty Raizada" she made faces

He strode towards her, she looked up expecting a kiss from him but as usual he bent down on his knees and kissed the baby bump "I love you" he said looking at the bump and caressed it and then looked up to find his big baby frowning and pouting

"I love you more" he whispered looking at Khushi

"And I love you infinity" she bent down a little and pecked his lips

"Now that was not enough for me" he smiled standing up and pulled her in a kiss



Cheesy... Good... bad... worst... do tell me

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