Thursday 24 April 2014

ARSHI Two Shots: ROOM 135 Part 1 & 2 {Completed}


*Kindly Ignore the typos, not proof read*
I have wrote this a long time back, thought of posting it now


   PART 1

"She betrayed me Arnav, she left me in the middle, you have to take revenge, bring her back to me or I won't be able to survive" Prithvi cried his eyes out

Arnav's grim face stated how he hated that faceless girl who had made his friend this mad.

"I will do what I can do, but don't you think we are doing..." Arnav doubted

"You are my best friend, bring her back to me, but before that break her, so that she can see my as her anchor... Only anchor" Prithvi whispered menacingly

Arnav sighed, Arnav Singh Raizada was a well known person in the business world, he was an orphan, his journey from a vulnerable Arnav to a strong ASR was difficult, but the person he depends on was his best mate Prithvi.

They passed college together, did MBA, then they separated their ways, Prithvi wanted to be a professor and now he was a senior lecturer in one of a college of DU and Arnav went for his own business, own fashion house, AR designs.

During Arnav absence from Prithvi's life, he fell head over heels in love with one of his students, Khushi, she was a charmer, they way she spoke, and way she giggled the way she laughed made Prithvi's heart and mind weak, and hence he decided to call his so-call-attraction, love.

When Khushi graduated he went on and proposed her, she denied instantly, she was not at all a committed kind of girl, she was 20 and wanted to live her life, relationship and boyfriend were the things she abhorred, but after a lot of requests and unnecessary buttering, Khushi gave in thinking her ex-lecturer as a good guy, and everyone deserves a chance anyway!

But soon realized that they were not meant to be, because when after their first dinner date he wanted to kiss her, Khushi realized how insecure she felt with him, so after 2 days, she timidly announced that she doesn't want to be in any kind of relation, Prithvi begged  but Khushi was firm

And now after whole two years, Prithvi had seen her in Delhi, and wanted her back in his life, but he knew she would never accept him back, so he decided to pull out his big guns, knowing how much Arnav trusted him, he called him up and told his broken heart's story, and added few more spices into it saying

"Arnav she cheated on me, he went with my friend Rahul behind my back, I saw them kissing but I still love her, get her back in my life, just trap her in your love, then dump her then I will go to console her, this is the only way I can get her back"

 Arnav hate cheaters

First Arnav was a little apprehensive, but seeing his friend big fat tears, he decided he will do whatever his friend says, but his secretary Aman warned him

"Sir please check their history properly before doing anything irrational" Aman said

"Shut up Aman, Prithvi can never lie to me" Arnav said confidently, "Fix my meeting with this girl name Khushi... Oh I mean a sudden meeting, follow her, and inform me" Aman nodded and shook his head

His boss sometimes acted like a fool, but he would be damned if he let him do whatever he wanted to do with that unknown girl

"Hello, yes find out about Khushi Kumari Gupta and her history with Prithvi Paul" Aman disconnected the call, this investigation would take time, but he would wait, it's better late than never.


She stood in her balcony gazing the red and blue sky at 5:15 am in morning, she saw three birds flying across the sky, then a pigeon seating on the tangled electric wire, her eyes roam all around her, a woman carrying a basket of veggies, must be fresh she thought, she smiled, she loved her life in Kirti Nagar

Her life now was complete, people here adored her, and her favorite Choley Bhature wale uncle in standard sweets loved her like his own daughter, she was a successful interior designer, and had everything she ever wanted from life.

She looked at her ringing phone and smiled

"Yes baby..."

"Where are you" A lazy voice asked

"Get up Arnav, you have to go to office, and I will meet to in evening OK" Khushi smiled and sipped her coffee

"I love you..."

"I love you more" Khushi disconnected the call

She smiled as she remembered her meeting with Arnav 10 months back; she was in a mall shopping for an upcoming festival, then when she had collided with Arnav suddenly, and then their coincidental meets increased, first she suspected him and threatened him, but then something changed in him, at first she used to see indifference and coldness in his eyes for her, but after their 5, 6 meeting that coldness went away, and that made her feel secure with him, and that secure feeling brought a feeling of belonging.

And after 2 months Arnav proposed her, and told her who he really was, he was a millionaire, the ASR, at first Khushi was afraid of proceeding in that relationship, but Arnav assured her saying he really loved her  and wanted to be with her, sure she saw uncertainty in his eyes that day.

But toady she was sure of their relationship, so she decided tell Arnav that she was ready to take their relation on next level, she blushed thinking about his reaction, he would be ecstatic.


Arnav closed his eyes, after knowing Khushi for 10 months, he was sure he was missing something, Prithvi was missing something, but the more important matter is Arnav Singh Raizada was really and purely in Love with Khushi, at first it was just acting from his side, but as their meetings increased he got to know her well, and till the time he proposed her, he was really in love with her, his respect for her increased when she denied being in relation with him after hearing he was the world famous business tycoon ASR, but somehow he managed to keep her with him

Prithvi was now a headache for him, he still thought that he was doing this for him, but now how would he tell him that he really loves Khushi... shit life is complicated

But the question remains that did Khushi really cheated on Prithvi, he had never asked anything about Prithvi to her, but well now the truth doesn't matter to him, he loved Khushi and would do anything to keep her with him. Period

He glanced at his phone that beeped, a message from Khushi

I will meet you in Blue bell hotel, room number 135, be there on time, I missed you in these 3 days, love you, see you soon

He smiled, he had missed her too, he decided to propose her for marriage today, hell with past, truths, Prithvi, and cheaters, the only thing that matters now was...

Arnav & Khushi... forever

Aman stood outside his boss cabin, with a big grin he looked down at the file in his hand, after 9 months of investigation, he had detailed information of Khushi, and her past with Prithvi, he grimaced, Prithvi was a leech, and that poor soul Khushi was innocent, he had met her few times, and liked her, after meeting her he was more determined to prove Khushi's innocence, and now he would be damned if he let Prithvi play with his sir's life

ASR really loved that girl, he was never with a girl in past, he had a pure character, thus Khushi was the best girl he would ever get

He cleared his throat, time to show ASR prithvi's real face

Arnav listened with a straight face what Aman said, how Prithvi forced Khushi to be in relation, then how she refused him, how he made up stories against her in front of Arnav, but the most relaxing fact was, his Khushi was innocent

"ASR today I would not say this as your worker, but as friend, Prithvi was never your friends, he was just obsessive for Khushi, I now know you love Khushi, so I will suggest you that don't tell her anything, she will be broken, and keep her away from that scumbag, better you marry her and take her out of India forever" Aman advised

"Why didn't you stop me before" Arnav asked with a choked voice

"I did but you never listened" Aman shrugged

"I am going to propose her today" Arnav said shyly

"First time you are doing anything good" Aman whispered

"I heard that, Aman Mathur you are fired" Arnav smirked

Arnav was there in room 135 before the time, he was excited as hell, but his one part was also guilty for hiding the truth from Khushi, but he loved her and didn't want to lose her, so this bitter truth better be hidden, his heart raced when he heard the door opening, he turned and his eyes widened seeing the person


"Hey Arnav, man you rock, you trapped her, and now I know you will dump her" Prithvi said with a grin

"How did you know I am here" Arnav asked bewildered

"Oh I saw you coming here, then making this arrangement, well I guess this is our last day of plan" Prithvi smirked

"What plan?" Arnav stood firmly

"C'mon buddy we decided remember that how you will trap her then dump her, then I will be her anchor and all, oh I am so excited to get her back"  Prithvi smirked

The nerve in Arnav's jaw throbbed as anger flooded through him.


Khushi was shocked when she saw Prithvi entering their room, she thought she imagined him but after listening to his and Arnav talks her eyes filled up with tears of betrayal, she would not protest she decided, she would simply move out of his life, she was used to being alone, and she would get used to loneliness again

But Arnav's next word stopped her

"I love her Prithvi, I really love her, I don't give a damn about your plan, you stalked your student, how disgusting, and you said she cheated on you, hell! She was never interested in you, she never loved you, and you saw him kissing Rahul, no... You lied... you are a bloody lair... I am the first man she ever kissed" Arnav shouted

"You kissed her" Prithvi gritted his teeth

"Yes I did... Remember this Prithvi, I didn't get you murdered till now that only because you were my friend, but now one word against my Khushi and you will be finished" Arnav threatened

"I will take her away from you" Prithvi warned

"She loves me, she will trust me, I know, I love her" Arnav said

"I will kill her..." Prithvi said and soon found himself pinned down on the floor, Arnav's foot on his chest

"SHE IS MINE... dare you be near her, and you will criticize your mother for giving you birth" Arnav was now ASR

Khushi listened to everything, with a blank face, but then smirked; this was time for Khushi Kumari Gupta to have some fun.

She was relieved that Arnav was on her side, but it hurt that before he was doing only act, she would call Aman and know the rest, but now she had to do something

Why should boys have all the fun she thought and smiled evilly

Arnav waited for Khushi, he was now worried, Khushi was never this late, after sending Prithvi out with the help of security, he was waiting for Khushi, but she was yet to be seen, she was not even picking up his calls nor does Aman, what if Prithivi...

He shuddered with the thought, hence he deiced to go and search her, when he saw her coming in the room, looking down

"Khushi... baby are you OK" he rushed towards her and saw her meekly nodding

Khushi then threw her arms around his neck, and smacked her lips on her, Arnav was shocked at first, then he responded back, they sucked each others lips till they were red and swollen, Khushi grabbed his nape and lifted herself up, he held her waist and hoisted her up, he bit her lips and his tongue entered her sweet nectar, after kissing and ravishing each other for a long time they came up to breathe

Khushi kissed his chest and again pecked his lips making Arnav squeeze her tiny waist, then Khushi caught his lower lip between her teeth

"I love you" Khushi rasped out and pushed Arnav slightly away

Arnav was still in trance when he saw her opening the door of room and moving out, he tried to stop her but she shrugged his hand, she turned and shouted

"I hate you Arnav Singh Raizada, you were playing with me and my feelings, you idiot" Khushi shouted

Arnav looked at her in disbelief; she was the same girl who was kissing him insanely a minute before and now she was shouting that she hated him what the

"Khushi... please listen" Arnav tried to speak

"GO TO HELL" Khushi again shouted and went out of there leaving a broken Arnav behind