Tuesday 14 January 2014

ARSHI TS: Can We have a Love Story{ ALL PARTS}

ARSHI TS{two shots}: Can We have a Love Story

 "What the!!! How can she talk to me like that? How can she get married to someone else?" 
After knowing the fact that khushi is getting married to someone else, Arnav was driving rashly in roads of Delhi. He was frustrated beyond limit.
"She didn't even inform me about her engagement. How can she do that to me?" He said out loud

"What How can you even think like that you Idiot? Remember you did the same thing 2 nights before" said his conscience.
"Ya but there is a vast difference in me and her, at least she could inform di, nani, la! What the hell I am supposed to do now?" Arnav said frustratingly ranking his hands in his hair.

"Tumhe kya farq padta hai? {Why it is bothering you?}Remember what you said to her that she meant nothing, the relation; the understanding which you both shared meant nothing, her payal {anklet}, her smile, her antics means nothing to you. Even you declared your marriage suddenly just to hurt her. Do you even know how hurt she was? No you don't know dammit because you were blind. Your running away from her you don't want to see the fact that you are falling for her''and man you fell very hard for her *smirk*" mocked his conscience.

"Now what can I do? I was pathetically confused. I just can't go and tell her that'..that I feel something weird for her'.I just can't. What will she think; what if she mocked me like others did when I lost my parents? I can't go through all this all over again" whispered Arnav in a broken voice 

"For once think Like Arnav, not like the egoistic ASR. Shut the ASR part for 15 min and listen to me. I am your inner voice, I know you better, what you are doing is spoiling 3 life'..no actually its 4 now. You are destroying yours, hers, lavanya's, and the new guy. You can never feel the same for layanya, you can never love her, you will again became ASR but what about la'She also have dreams, you can't shatter that for your so-called-confusion. For once listen to your heart. Switch off your brain dammit, it is useless" said his conscience.

"Now what should I do? Should Go to her? What will I tell her'.I doesn't now this alien feeling! I feel weird around her'oh shit! What if its l'..lo'lo'.lov'..Dammit!" arnav said stammering

"Love???? Aha!! At last you said it. I thought you will never be able to understand that! Now listen we don't want her children to call you mama or uncle, do we? So go and confess. Its good to be late then never'now go'.and yes she loves you to. Just tell her what you feel" Said his conscience dreamily

"How can be so sure about her love? What If she hates me?" Asked arnav to himself

"Lol!! She has changed you so much that now you are talking to your self. Giving answers to your own questions. ROFL!!! OK back to original question, she loves you!! You idiot, can't you read her eyes. I mean c'mon you both always have a long eye lock session with 'RABBA VE' in background. How can you ignore the blush whenever you look at her'..see now don't irritate me! Go and tell her or you will find your self eating ice creams in her reception" his conscience said teasingly

"Are you really my conscience? But What if she rejects me?" Arnav asked

"Then go and kiss her'.Its your last chance" said conscience
"Are you sure"asked arnav
"More then sure go and get her" conscience encouraged

Arnav smiled, he turned his SUV in direction of Laxmi Nagar and drive with determination. He now knows what he has to do.

"I am coming khushi, and you will have to listen" said a determined arnav 

Khushi was sitting in her balcony looking at the sky, talking to her parents about her fate, complaining her devi maiya for a making mockery of her feelings.
"Why amma? Why always me? Is I am that bad? Even Devi maiya doesn't love me anymore. How can she let that laad governer hurt me like that? I don't love shyam ji, he is just a friend. OK I don't even consider him as friend. Then why me? I will never talk to you devi maiya'never" Said khushi angrily pointing toward the sky


"He is here" said khushi's conscience

"He is here" said khushi's conscience

